Elvira (& Roberto) Ruiz “It’s such a great honor to earn the top Profit Sharing Check this year. I want to pay tribute and express my thanks to all of the Distributors in my group who made this possible. I look forward to this upcoming year and will strive to grow the business even further. I am anxious to help others in my group earn Profit Sharing checks and to be recognized as well.”
Sara & Antonio Maya “This great company has given me so much. I will always be part of it because there is no other company like Forever. Thank you, Rex, for giving us this great opportunity!”

Mui & Hung Ma “Thank you, Rex Maughan. FLP has given me the chance to build an amazing business. It is truly an honor to be recognized for my accomplishments. I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to my hardworking team and to the Toronto team leaders. Thank you for making this all possible. If I can make it this far, anyone can! FLP is a great opportunity for the people who want it; it doesn’t matter how much education you have, and everybody starts the same way!”
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